Townhouse 2nd floor for​ rent!! Nearly MRT Sri-iam just​ 5​ minute.​
Priroj village Town​ House​ 2​nd floor.Area 25 Sq.wah.​ In-space​ Buliding​ 140 Sq.m. For​ rent​ at​ 16,000​ bath/month
3​ bedroom
2 bath​ room
1 kitchen
1 Office​ room
2 parking space
Location​ nearbly
Central Bangna
Mega​ Bangna
Thainakarin hospital
Princ Suvarnabhumi hospital
Easily accessible
MRT​ Sri-iam​ (yellow line)
Mortorway Express way
For​ viewing appointment, Please​ contact
Mr.​ Joe​ 063-616-4961
Line​ ID: joesd41
Line​ ID: thpropertyinvestor
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